Physiotherapy For Scoliosis


Is Surgery Necessary If You Have Scoliosis?

No. Surgery is typically only taken into account when the curve is greater than 50 degrees. Either this or the disorder has significant effects on one’s daily activities or quality of life. Most cases of scoliosis of the spine do not require a surgical procedure. Surgery should only be needed if, following bracing or exercises, the curve begins to deteriorate and progresses to or above 50 degrees. The Cobb’s angle is used to calculate the scoliosis curves’ degrees.

One needs to be conscious of scoliosis surgery problems such as the stiff spine, muscle weakness of the spine, and potential breakage of the rods. Following scoliosis surgery, the spine can no longer grow again. When it is to be performed in growing children, postpone the surgery as much as possible. This is to maintain spine growth.

Scoliosis - Get Active Physiotherapy

physiotherapy. The aim of using a brace is to control but not to remove the progression of a curve. Bracing is used when scoliosis’s curvature is between 25-40 degrees and when the spine is not yet at full maturity. It is generally between girls ages 13-15 and boys aged 15-17. A brace is also advised if the curve is less than 25 degrees, but it worsens more than 5 degrees over six months. Over the growing years, the brace has to be worn 18-20 hours a day.

That’s to ensure quality. Physiotherapy aims to strengthen weak muscles, to enhance shortened & tight tissue flexibility. It helps slow muscle imbalance and joint stiffness and helps reduce back pain. Individuals with scoliosis either benefit from it or are not on braces. The stiffer the curves are, the more physiotherapy is needed. Physiotherapy also improves brace adjustment during bracing, even after the brace has been weaned off.

Using physiotherapy to treat scoliosis

Physiotherapy treatments that target muscle imbalances and other factors contributing to excessive spinal curvatures can improve scoliosis. Focus Physiotherapy creates a treatment program that helps you gain greater flexibility in chronically short and tight muscles while strengthening long and weak ones. Such muscle imbalances cause lateral flexing of the spine and affect a person’s strength, posture, and function.

Addressing imbalances decreases pain symptoms significantly and eliminates them. Physiotherapy clinics offer scoliosis treatment in Singapore in both brace-using patients and those who don’t. Ensuring that a stable spinal position is preserved when a person excludes the use of a brace supports the results obtained by backing. Physiotherapists consider multiple factors when formulating care plans.

These involve the degree and position of spinal curvatures and the patient’s spine’s age, gender, and growth. Symptoms linked to scolioses such as back pain or respiratory symptoms are often considered to provide the appropriate diagnosis for children and adults who deal with scoliosis.